Supporting UA Employees through Workplace Accommodations

Our Commitment

Faculty, staff, student-employees, and job applicants throughout the University of Alaska system may request workplace accommodations related to disabilities; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; and religious beliefs.


Setting up an Accommodation
When an accommodation request is received, UA Human Resources’ Accommodations Group facilitates an individualized, flexible, and interactive process involving the employee or applicant and their supervisor or hiring manager to determine what reasonable accommodation to grant in each particular circumstance. Because the process and requirements of each type of request may vary, supervisors and hiring managers may be informed of the high-level type of request (e.g., a request under the Americans with Disabilities Act). However, supervisors and hiring managers are never informed of any medical details shared with Human Resources as part of the accommodations process. For further information regarding accommodations at the University of Alaska, please choose a subject area below. 


For assistance with pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical condition / lactation accommodations, please email
For assistance with religious accommodations, please email