Permanent Position Changes

- When an employee moves from one position for another by either...
- Promotion
- Lateral
- Demotion

A substantial increase in job duties that results in an increase to the position grade.
- If it's a competitive promotion, the employee may be eligible to receive exceptional placement.
- If it's a non-competitive promotion, the employee may be eligible to be placed at a10% increase or at beginning of grade (whichever is the higher amount). A pay increase will not occur if the employee's current salary exceeds the last step of new grade.
Personnel Job Change Reason: TRP

- If it's a competitive transfer, the employee salary may be advanced to step 14 within the same grade subject to approval by HR Classification and Compensation Specialist.
- If it's a non-competitive transfer, the employee will remain in their current grade and step.
Personnel Job Change Reason: TRL

A reduction in job duties that involves a movement from a position in one grade to a position in a lower grade. Both the employee and department must agree on this position change.
With this type of change, increases are not allowed except when the current salary falls between steps in the lower grade; the salary will be adjusted to next highest step if this situation occurs.
If the employee's salary exceeds the top step of the new range, their salary may be placed at step 0 and indefinitely frozen until the grid catches up with the pay.
Personnel Job Change Reason: TRD
Contact Classification & Compensation
(907) 450-8200 | ua-compensation